Static Dome

The Vortex Dome is a device that is triggered by static or triboelectric fields. Its internal antenna can pick up static fields that are not visible to the human eye from as far as three feet away. Once the device is triggered, it sets off the eight colored LEDs and indicates the direction from which the charge came.
Why Static Dome

Static or triboelectric field detectors are often sought after in the paranormal community for various reasons. One theory suggests that there are two distinct types of static: natural static, which is inherent to the environment, and paranormal static, which is not. It is believed that natural static can potentially enhance paranormal activity by introducing additional energy into the environment. On the other hand, paranormal static is thought to be a side effect of the entry of paranormal phenomena into our surroundings.

Additional theories suggest that during a manifestation, an accumulation of static charge occurs. Triboelectric fields may also play a role in causing the hairs on your arm or leg to stand up or that sudden cool breeze. These charges are precisely what trigger The Vortex Dome, a conveniently portable device that easily fits in your pocket or equipment case.
In the dark, an easily visible LED indicator is provided. It operates on a single 9-volt battery. Available color options include black, blue, red, purple, electric pink, orange, lime green, and a new glow-in-the-dark variant. This product has been designed and tested by fellow ghost hunters, providing durability and near indestructibility, eliminating concerns about accidental drops. To use, simply switch on the bottom of the dome, place it in locations where activity is anticipated (such as doorways, halls, steps, beds, chairs, etc.), and it will automatically calibrate itself for immediate use.

The cost is $85.00 with an additional $10.00 for shipping within the United States.