Paranormal Proximity Sensor
What is H.T.O. ?

The purpose of H.T.O. is to illuminate four LED lights upon contact or proximity to a static charge. It can be connected to any metallic object, and the lights will activate when something metal or within range interacts with it. Consider the potential advantages of this device in paranormal investigations, as the possibilities are limitless.
Upon entering a purportedly haunted area, where there are circulating rumors of child spirits haunting the place, you have the opportunity to connect any metallic toys (such as cars, wind-up toys, jacks, etc.) to observe interactions between the spirits and the toys. This may result in visual evidence of the spirits attempting to engage in playful interactions.
Violent crimes include various forms of murder, which can involve weapons like knives, guns, axes, and any other metal objects. Additionally, items such as grandpas’ preferred tools like drills, saws, and hammers, as well as Uncle Joe’s beloved metal pocket watch and picture frame, can also be linked to criminal activities. For instance, history enthusiasts might associate violent events like the Battle of Gettysburg with items such as bullets, buttons, and swords.
The possibilities for compatible objects are virtually limitless. You can connect any metal trigger-like item you can imagine. However, there are some restrictions – the object must be no larger than 24 inches in any dimension for the system to function properly. Larger objects will not work.
Discover more by watching the video to witness its liquid capabilities. But that’s not all! I observed numerous instances where the spirit would interact with the room after I had left. To address this, we added an audible alarm. With a simple switch, you can activate both LED and audible alerts. H.T.O. operates on a single 9-volt battery and boasts exceptional durability with its black plastic case enveloped by a vibrant rubber enclosure. It even includes a stand to prevent tipping over. Use the alligator clip with wire to easily connect it to various devices. Choose from an array of five fantastic colors (Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple), with matching LED lights.
Regrettably, we cannot assure you of spirit interaction as paranormal activity does not occur on demand. My intention is to provide an additional resource to facilitate direct communication. A limited number of these resources will be made available. Secure yours today! Please note that due to the high demand, the turnaround time may extend up to 30 days. With five years of experience in crafting top-notch products and being a ghost hunter myself, I understand precisely what you seek.
Video Instructions
As seen on Ghost Nation!

$110.00 plus $10.00 shipping
Ghost Hunters TV Show Evidence
Video Evidence